The 41st Annual Community Awards took place last Thursday, January 28th virtually. For the first time, the ceremony was FREE to the public and they came out in droves to celebrate all the local Issaquah heroes that gave selflessly of their time, talent and energy to help others in 2020, while building an ever-stronger community and improving the quality of life. And all the while, doing it in a global pandemic!

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Sunrise Senior Living, Aegis Living Issaquah, The Grange, and The City of Issaquah
2021 Issaquah Community Award Winners
Kiwanis Volunteer of the Year Award
Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Issaquah
Jeff Riley
Kiwanis Human & Spiritual Values Award
Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Issaquah
Don Burnett
Golden Apple Award
Sponsored by Issaquah Schools Foundation
Wright Noel
GICC Volunteer of the Year Award
Sponsored by Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce
Kathy Scearce
Caring Community Award
Sponsored by Life Enrichment Options
Amelia Harrison
Zachary Hochman
Craig Rixon
Rotary Club of Issaquah
Salmon Champion
Sponsored by Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery
Grace Reamer
GICC Business of the Year
Sponsored by the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce
Gaslamp Bar & Grill
City of Issaquah Youth Leadership Award
Sponsored by Issaquah Park Board
Ryan Reamy
Issaquah Highlands Community Builder of the Year
Sponsored by Issaquah Highlands Council
Charlie Herb
Kimberly Kapustein
Jim Young
City of Issaquah Volunteer of the Year Award
Sponsored by City of Issaquah Senior Center
Tara Michaels
Betty Roberson
2020 Hero Award
Sponsored by the City of Issaquah
Downtown Issaquah Association
Michelle Enebo
Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank
Hall of Fame
Sponsored by the City of Issaquah
Dave Waggoner