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Youth Career Compass


This year, give the students or new grads in your life, the gift that keeps on giving!

Deanna Carlisle, Founder of Youth Career Compass specializes in providing coaching services for High School & College Students as well as New Graduates. The coaching work helps young people to gain more clarity for college and career & BEYOND!

When students discover their super-powers and learn more about their strengths and interests early in life, they are in a much better place to make decisions about college, internships and career paths. We work with our clients to help them build a foundation of knowledge about themselves and then we provide guidance on how to gain experiences and exposure to the world of work that informs their vision and leads to great opportunities.

Give the gift of college major/career coaching this year!!!!! Please contact Deanna at to schedule a free call to learn more about the services Youth Career Compass provides.

Success, is getting what you want. Happiness, is wanting what you get. – Dale Carnegie

I have found that as parents, educators, and mentors we are all fairly adept at encouraging our youth to focus on success, yet we don’t always give them the tools and the guidance they need to discover what it is that will make them happy.

My mission is to take the guesswork out of college paths and eventual careers that “could” make people happy, and support young people in gaining more confidence and clarity so they can experience a more intentional, gratifying college and career journey.

When students are able to reach a greater level of self-awareness, they gain confidence in their skills, interests, and strengths, which leads them to discover paths both in college and in their careers that are more fulfilling and more meaningful to them.

Deanna Carlisle, Founder, Youth Career Compass

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